Archive | February, 2012

Life Update 2 Years Later

24 Feb

Hey! It’s almost a month and 2 years later than my last post and guess what?! I’m still in school! Awesome I know.

I went back and read all my old posts and had a couple laughs at how dumb I am. I can’t believe I didn’t post something on my 21st birthday.. oh well, it’s almost my 22nd in a couple weeks, and I feel absolutely old. Though I bet I will come back and read this when i’m 30 and laugh at myself for saying that. These past 2 years have flown by. I feel like I just came to Liberty, and here I am, on the verge of graduating.. I hope. I really have no idea what plans I have when I do actually graduate, but I’m not as scared as I was when I first started college. I guess that’s a good thing?

So some updates on what’s going on in my life… First, this upcoming semester, fall of 2012, I will be moving off campus with a group of guys that I know. I really can’t wait to be off campus.. Living with a group of 72 other guys doesn’t really do it for me anymore. I have my group of friends set, and I just want to get away from the bustle of the dorm life I guess. But with these new changes comes new responsibilities. First I will be needing to pay for rent, something totally new to me, though I’m almost positive I have it all covered… yay loans… :/  Anywho, I will also need to get a job over the summer to fill my room with furniture.. as I might need a bed to sleep on. I can’t wait!

A couple things with school. First, I’m probably going to be taking a couple courses at Liberty this upcoming summer break. I’m not so sure how I feel about this, but I really really just need to graduate as soon as possible.. I also need to CLEP a math course.. if you don’t know what this is, do not be worried. It’s a test I will be taking to say that I have enough knowledge to pass a certain class, meaning I just get the 3 credits if i pass! woot! Too bad I suck at math. gah

I think that’s enough for now. I miss and love you all,
